
세부과제번호 2016M3A9D5A01952416 단계 2단계 1차년도
세부과제명 유전자변형마우스 병리표현형 분석서비스시스템 구축 및 운용 공동 유/무 N
SCI여부 Y 게재년월 2017-08
논문제목 Low-Dose Bisphenol A Increases Bile Duct Proliferation in Juvenile Rats: A Possible Evidence for Risk of Liver Cancer in the Exposed Population?
총저자명 Ji Seong Jeong, Ki Taek Nam, Buhyun Lee, Aryo Dimas Pamungkas, Daeun Song, Minjeong Kim, Wook-Joon Yu, Jinsoo Lee, Sunha Jee, Youngja H Park, Kyung-Min Lim
학술지명 Biomol Ther (Seoul) 게재권(호) 25(5)
저널구분 - 페이지수 545-552
참여연구원 - 연구책임자 남기택
과제기여도 30 PMID 28822992
사사기관수 - IF (년도) 2.075
제1저자 Ji Seong Jeong 교신저자 Kyung-Min Lim
공동저자 Ki Taek Nam, Buhyun Lee, Aryo Dimas Pamungkas, Daeun Song, Minjeong Kim, Wook-Joon Yu, Jinsoo Lee, Sunha Jee, Youngja H Park
Increasing concern is being given to the association between risk of cancer and exposure to low-dose bisphenol A (BPA), especially in young-aged population. In this study, we investigated the effects of repeated oral treatment of low to high dose BPA in juvenile Sprague-Dawley rats. Exposing juvenile rats to BPA (0, 0.5, 5, 50, and 250 mg/kg oral gavage) from post-natal day 9 for 90 days resulted in higher food intakes and increased body weights in biphasic dose-effect relationship. Male mammary glands were atrophied at high dose, which coincided with sexual pre-maturation of females. Notably, proliferative changes with altered cell foci and focal inflammation were observed around bile ducts in the liver of all BPA-dosed groups in males, which achieved statistical significance from 0.5 mg/kg (ANOVA, Dunnett's test, p<0.05). Toxicokinetic analysis revealed that systemic exposure to BPA was greater at early age (e.g., 210-fold in Cmax, and 26-fold in AUC at 50 mg/kg in male on day 1 over day 90) and in females (e.g., 4-fold in Cmax and 1.6-fold in AUC at 50 mg/kg vs. male on day 1), which might have stemmed from either age- or gender-dependent differences in metabolic capacity. These results may serve as evidence for the association between risk of cancer and exposure to low-dose BPA, especially in young children, as well as for varying toxicity of xenobiotics in different age and gender groups.