
세부과제번호 2014M3A9D5A01073930 단계 1단계 3차년도
세부과제명 근육, 장, 유선 질환 표현형 분석 기반 구축 공동 유/무 -
SCI여부 Y 게재년월 2016-08
논문제목 Sex hormones establish a reserve pool of adult muscle stem cells.
총저자명 Ji-Hoon KimGi-Chan HanJi-Yun SeoInkuk ParkWookjin ParkHyun-Woo JeongSu Hyeon LeeSung-Hwan BaeJinwoo SeongMin-Kyu YumSang-Hyeon HannYoung-Guen KwonDaekwan SeoMan Ho ChoiYoung-Yun Kong
학술지명 Nat. Cell Biol. 게재권(호) 18(9)
저널구분 - 페이지수 930-40
참여연구원 공영윤 연구책임자 공영윤
과제기여도 30 PMID 27548913
사사기관수 - IF (년도) 18.7
제1저자 김지훈 교신저자 공영윤
공동저자 -
Quiescent satellite cells, known as adult muscle stem cells, possess a remarkable ability to regenerate skeletal muscle following injury throughout life. Although they mainly originate from multipotent stem/progenitor cells of the somite, the mechanism underlying the establishment of quiescent satellite cell populations is unknown. Here, we show that sex hormones induce Mind bomb 1 (Mib1) expression in myofibres at puberty, which activates Notch signalling in cycling juvenile satellite cells and causes them to be converted into adult quiescent satellite cells. Myofibres lacking Mib1 fail to send Notch signals to juvenile satellite cells, leading to impaired cell cycle exit and depletion. Our findings reveal that the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis drives Mib1 expression in the myofibre niche. Moreover, the same axis regulates the re-establishment of quiescent satellite cell populations following injury. Our data show that sex hormones establish adult quiescent satellite cell populations by regulating the myofibre niche at puberty and re-establish them during regeneration.