
세부과제번호 2013M3A9D5072559 단계 1단계 3차년도
세부과제명 마우스 기본표현형 고속분석 기반구축운용 공동 유/무 Y
SCI여부 Y 게재년월 2016-02
논문제목 STEP signaling pathway mediates psychomotor stimulation and morphine withdrawal symptoms, but not for reward, analgesia and tolerance.
총저자명 Yoon-Jung KimYoung KangHye-Yeon ParkJae-Ran LeeDae-Yeul YuTakuya MurataYoichi GondoJung Hwan HwangYong-Hoon KimChul-Ho LeeMyungchull RheePyung-Lim HanBong-Hyun ChungHyun-Jun LeeKyoung-Shim Kim
학술지명 Exp. Mol. Med. 게재권(호) 48()
저널구분 - 페이지수 1-10
참여연구원 남기환 연구책임자 남기환
과제기여도 30 PMID 26915673
사사기관수 - IF (년도) 3.446
제1저자 김윤정 교신저자 김경심
공동저자 -
Striatal-enriched protein tyrosine phosphatase (STEP) is abundantly expressed in the striatum, which strongly expresses dopamine and opioid receptors and mediates the effects of many drugs of abuse. However, little is known about the role of STEP in opioid receptor function. In the present study, we generated STEP-targeted mice carrying a nonsense mutation (C230X) in the kinase interaction domain of STEP by screening the N-ethyl-N-nitrosourea (ENU)-driven mutant mouse genomic DNA library and subsequent in vitro fertilization. It was confirmed that the C230X nonsense mutation completely abolished functional STEP protein expression in the brain. STEP(C230X-/-) mice showed attenuated acute morphine-induced psychomotor activity and withdrawal symptoms, whereas morphine-induced analgesia, tolerance and reward behaviors were unaffected. STEP(C230X-/-) mice displayed reduced hyperlocomotion in response to intrastriatal injection of the μ-opioid receptor agonist DAMGO, but the behavioral responses to δ- and κ-opioid receptor agonists remained intact. These results suggest that STEP has a key role in the regulation of psychomotor action and physical dependency to morphine. These data suggest that STEP inhibition may be a critical target for the treatment of withdrawal symptoms associated with morphine.