
세부과제번호 2016M3A9D5A01952414 단계 2단계 2차년도
세부과제명 후각기 2차 표현형분석기반 구축 및 서비스 제공 공동 유/무 N
SCI여부 Y 게재년월 -
논문제목 Oxygen matters: hypoxia as a pathogenic mechanism in rhinosinusitis.
총저자명 Hyung-Ju Cho, Chang-Hoon Kim
학술지명 BMB Rep 게재권(호) 51(2)
저널구분 - 페이지수 59-64
참여연구원 - 연구책임자 김창훈
과제기여도 50 PMID 29366441
사사기관수 - IF (년도) 3.085
제1저자 Hyung-Ju Cho 교신저자 Chang-Hoon Kim
공동저자 Hyung-Ju Cho, Chang-Hoon Kim
The airway epithelium is the first place, where a defense mechanism is initiated against environmental stimuli. Mucociliary transport (MCT), which is the defense mechanism of the airway and the role of airway epithelium as mechanical barriers are essential in innate immunity. To maintain normal physiologic function, normal oxygenation is critical for the production of energy for optimal cellular functions. Several pathologic conditions are associated with a decrease in oxygen tension in airway epithelium and chronic sinusitis is one of the airway diseases, which is associated with the hypoxic condition, a potent inflammatory stimulant. We have observed the overexpression of the hypoxia-inducible factor 1 (HIF-1), an essential factor for oxygen homeostasis, in the epithelium of sinus mucosa in sinusitis patients. In a series of previous reports, we have found hypoxia-induced mucus hyperproduction, especially by MUC5AC hyperproduction, disruption of epithelial barrier function by the production of VEGF, and down-regulation of junctional proteins such as ZO-1 and E-cadherin. Furthermore, hypoxia-induced inflammation by HMGB1 translocation into the cytoplasm results in the release of IL-8 through a ROS-dependent mechanism in upper airway epithelium. In this mini-review, we briefly introduce and summarize current progress in the pathogenesis of sinusitis related to hypoxia. The investigation of hypoxia-related pathophysiology in airway epithelium will suggest new insights on airway inflammatory diseases, such as rhinosinusitis for clinical application and drug development. [BMB Reports 2018; 51(2): 59-64].