
세부과제번호 2017M3A9D5A01052446 단계 2단계 2차년도
세부과제명 핵심 감염감수성 유전자변형 마우스 개발을 통한 미충족 감염질환 해결 시스템 구축 공동 유/무 N
SCI여부 N 게재년월 2017-07
논문제목 Animal models for dengue vaccine development and testing
총저자명 Woonsung Na, Minjoo Yeom, Il-Kyu Choi, Heejun Yook, and Daesub Song
학술지명 Clin Exp Vaccine Re 게재권(호) 6(2)
저널구분 - 페이지수 104-110
참여연구원 - 연구책임자 송대섭
과제기여도 30 PMID -
사사기관수 - IF (년도) -
제1저자 Woonsung Na 교신저자 Daesub Song
공동저자 Minjoo Yeom, Il-Kyu Choi, Heejun Yook
Dengue fever is a tropical endemic disease; however, because of climate change, it may become a problem in South Korea in the near future. Research on vaccines for dengue fever and outbreak preparedness are currently insufficient. In addition, because there are no appropriate animal models, controversial results from vaccine efficacy assessments and clinical trials have been reported. Therefore, to study the mechanism of dengue fever and test the immunogenicity of vaccines, an appropriate animal model is urgently needed. In addition to mouse models, more suitable models using animals that can be humanized will need to be constructed. In this report, we look at the current status of model animal construction and discuss which models require further development.