
세부과제번호 2014M3A9D5A01073969 단계 2단계 1차년도
세부과제명 희귀유전질환인 섬모질환 마우스 동물 모델 표현형 분석 공동 유/무 N
SCI여부 Y 게재년월 2017-08
논문제목 Cell Cycle-Related Kinase (CCRK) regulates ciliogenesis and Hedgehog signaling in mice.
총저자명 Ashley Snouffer, Desmond Brown, Hankyu Lee, Jonathon Walsh, Floria Lupu, Ryan Norman, Karl Lechtreck, Hyuk Wan Ko, Jonathan Eggenschwiler
학술지명 PLoS Genet. 게재권(호) 13(8)
저널구분 - 페이지수 e1006912
참여연구원 - 연구책임자 고혁완
과제기여도 50 PMID 28817564
사사기관수 - IF (년도) 6.1
제1저자 Ashley Snouffer 교신저자 Jonathan Eggenschwiler
공동저자 Desmond Brown, Hankyu Lee, Jonathon Walsh, Floria Lupu, Ryan Norman, Karl Lechtreck, Hyuk Wan Ko
The Hedgehog (Hh) signaling pathway plays a key role in cell fate specification, proliferation, and survival during mammalian development. Cells require a small organelle, the primary cilium, to respond properly to Hh signals and the key regulators of Hh signal transduction exhibit dynamic localization to this organelle when the pathway is activated. Here, we investigate the role of Cell Cycle Related kinase (CCRK) in regulation of cilium-dependent Hh signaling in the mouse. Mice mutant for Ccrk exhibit a variety of developmental defects indicative of inappropriate regulation of this pathway. Cell biological, biochemical and genetic analyses indicate that CCRK is required to control the Hedgehog pathway at the level or downstream of Smoothened and upstream of the Gli transcription factors, Gli2 and Gli3. In vitro experiments indicate that Ccrk mutant cells show a greater deficit in response to signaling over long time periods than over short ones. Similar to Chlamydomonas mutants lacking the CCRK homolog, LF2, mouse Ccrk mutant cells show defective regulation of ciliary length and morphology. Ccrk mutant cells exhibit defects in intraflagellar transport (the transport mechanism used to assemble cilia), as well as slowed kinetics of ciliary enrichment of key Hh pathway regulators. Collectively, the data suggest that CCRK positively regulates the kinetics by which ciliary proteins such as Smoothened and Gli2 are imported into the cilium, and that the efficiency of ciliary recruitment allows for potent responses to Hedgehog signaling over long time periods.